Middle School Students’ Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety and Their Language Achievement

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dc.contributor.author Widyasari, Fitri
dc.date.accessioned 2023-10-03T05:39:55Z
dc.date.available 2023-10-03T05:39:55Z
dc.date.issued 2023-07-21
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.unisma.ac.id/handle/123456789/8157
dc.description.abstract Foreign language anxiety (FLA) is one of the obstacles for language learners. The foreign language anxiety is a kind of anxiety traits which focuses on the feeling of fear, worry, and anxious when someone is producing and/or receiving foreign language. There are three types of FLA which have different meaning situation. Communication Apprehension refers to a condition where learners are afraid to interact using foreign language to others. Fear of Negative Evaluation happens when learners avoid the situation where they have to be evaluated, while Test Anxiety happens when learners are facing a foreign language test or exam. A cross-sectional survey design aims to reveal the middle school students’ FLA level and to discover the FLA type that frequently most experienced by the students, meanwhile a correlational design aims to investigate the correlation between the students’ FLA level and their language achievement. The sample of the study was 34 students of 8th grade of SMPI Al Umm Malang. The instruments of the study were Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) and the documentation of students’ English scores. The first and the second research objectives were answered using descriptive statistics and the third research objective was answered using inferential statistics. The study uncovers the mean scores of the students’ FLA was 98.06 which means that students experienced a mild level of FLA. This also indicates that the students weren’t severely anxious when they were in English class and they could receive the English learning good enough. The result of the FLA type means scores showing Communication Apprehension = 32.18, Fear of Negative Evaluation = 22.85, and Test Anxiety = 43.03 shows that Test Anxiety is the most frequently FLA type experienced by students. The correlation between the students’ FLA and their language achievement is represented by the result of r (34) = -.548, p < 0.01 which means that there is a significant relationship between students’ FLA and their language achievement in negative direction which represented by the negative sign. It can be concluded that if the students’ level of FLA goes up, their language achievement will go down. The findings of the study suggest the English learners to adapt to a new self-learning technique to make themselves become more comfortable in learning English. Educators could create the learning time becomes more fun by implementing various activities which are able to evoke the students’ excitement. A larger scale of sample, a different study level student, and a deeper investigation to the topic are suggested to be conducted by the further researchers. Keywords: Foreign Language Anxiety, Language Achievement, FLCAS en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Universitas Islam Malang en_US
dc.subject Foreign Language Anxiety en_US
dc.subject Language Achievement en_US
dc.subject FLCAS en_US
dc.title Middle School Students’ Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety and Their Language Achievement en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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