Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja Dan Komitmen Organisasi Terhadap Organizational Cityzenship Behaviour (Ocb) (Studi Pada Pt Duta Beton Mandiri Kabupaten Pasuruan)
Competition between companies at this time is very heavy, so companies must be
able to create quality and quantity of human resources who can work more
effectively and efficiently so that the goals of the company are achieved. There are
two important behaviors for the progress of a company namely, in-role and extrarole behavior. Extra-role behavior or Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
can maximize the efficiency and productivity of employees and organizations that
contribute effectively in an organization, OCB is a positive behavior of individuals
in an organization that shows an attitude of conscious and voluntary willingness to
work and contribute to the organization more than what is formally demanded. This
study aims to: (1) Know and test the effect of job satisfaction and organizational
commitment on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) employees of PT Duta
Beton Mandiri, (2) Know and test the effect of job satisfaction on Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (OCB) employees of PT Duta Beton employees Mandiri, (3)
Knowing and testing the effect of organizational commitment on Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (OCB) employees of PT Duta Beton Mandiri. This research
is a quantitative approach research. The subjects of this study were 57 employees
of PT Duta Beton Mandiri. Data collection using questionnaires, interviews and
questionnaires. Whereas the data analysis was carried out using validity test, data
normality test, multicollinearity test, t test, F test and coefficient of determination.
The method of analysis uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the
study at a significance level of 5% indicate that: (1) job satisfaction and
organizational commitment have a positive effect on Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (OCB), (2) job satisfaction has a positive effect on Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (OCB), (3) organizational commitment has a positive effect
against Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). So the coefficient of
determination (R²) obtained is 0.452. This means that 45.2% Organizational
Citizenship Behavior can be explained by the independent variables namely job
satisfaction and organizational commitment while the remaining 54.8%
Organizational Citizenship Behavior is influenced by other variables not examined
in this study